Sunday 14 April 2013

Friday, April 12th

Today, we wrote out the specific rules for our game and named it "Whack-a-ball". You can find the rules at the Rules section. Also, we reviewed our criteria to see if our game matches the criteria:

Blue = Match          Red = Doesn't match     Orange = To be determined
- innovative (new type)  
- competitive *need to wait until we test out the game
- constant moving for everyone *need to wait until we test out the game
- chance to show off *The captain system
- includes characteristics of handball, capture the flag, and ultimate. *We added some elements of dodgeball
- simple rules *need to wait until we test out the game
- strategy needed
- medium skill-leveled game
- team based but depends on individual performance
- fast paced
- play with a ball
- game type

- keeps score
- no time limit

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